Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do you think hunting is right?

I am deciding if I should hunt deer or not, should I?Do you think hunting is right?
Yes, I think it is right. If you're on the fence about it then don't do it. Simple as that. It's a little bit more involved than choosing which shade of lip gloss to wear. It's more than a hobby or outdoor activity. It's a lifestyle. Some people will argue against it till they're blue in the face against it. That's fine by me. My opinion are they are misinformed. But, since you posted this in the hunting section I predict you're going to get all pros vs cons on the subject.Do you think hunting is right?
I find it right as rain, but you may not. All I can say is you need to try it one time and make up your own mind.

Good luck and have fun.

Katelyn, let your conscience be your guide because it is not 'right' for everyone. I love to hunt but that's me. I have no problem with taking game so long as it is for food. One year when I was between jobs I kept my family (wife-n-four children) fed by hunting (deer, wild boar and wild turkey). We didn't go hungry that year, Thank God!

Consider also that if you consume beef or any kind of meat someone is doing the killing for you. This is true if you use any animal-products like leather shoes, etc.

If you can live with it then you should hunt. It is fun and gives you time in the great outdoors. But don't do it to please others; do it for yourself.

Only if you believe it, and participate in Hunting, which I do.* Its a very personal decision that anybody has to make for themselves.* So its all up to you.* Choose wisely.* You will have to find your own reasons for doing it, but do it because you sincerely want to for yourself, not to please someone else.*
The idea of right or wrong is subjective. It's right for me. Might be for you, might not. It's a fine way to spend a day out of the house, get some meat, and manage the animal population.
Hunting is a good thing. Its time spent with your dad or friends. It helps you become more aware of how to use a firearm in a positive way. That knowlege and know how may save your life if you were ever to have to use a gun to defend your life. Population control of certain animals is a must. When deer populations are to big food is harder to to find for them and when populations are to many its more possible for disease to spread and do far more worse damage than hunting will in an animal population. For example Chronic Wasting Disease that was killing many deer and elk. When populations are managed its just a more healthy environment. I know there is a big problem with bears attacking people because of lack of hunting. Populations are too big in certain areas. There are many reasons that huning is good. The sad thing is some people like in peda groups think animals are the same as people and want them to have rights like people do. I think animal cruelty is wrong but thats different from hunting. Hunting in some ways is preserving life by keeeping the population healthy.

Have fun getting your deer hopefully.
Yes. Hunt deer to eat. Don't just kill for fun.
Hunting is good and the right thing to do. Hunters keep deer populations in check by preventing them from overpopulating and starving to death or dying by disease. Without any hunting, deer would overpopulate, car - deer collisions would dramatically increase, the deer would exhaust their food resources, and eventually die through starvation or disease.
Hunting provides many benefits to the species, the economy and yourself.

Hunting has traditionally been an effective form of population control, conservation, and source of food.

Population control: The land can only hold so many of a certain species, in this case deer, before problems occur. There is only so much feed available for them, and diseases can spread easily amongst overpopulated species. Hunting is a great way to help keep these populations in check with the least amount of suffering and waste. Especially in overpopulated areas there will be deer dying naturally in ways that are much less humane than a well placed bullet. Starvation, illness, and even sometimes natural predators can be a long drawn out death, a well managed population can prevent some of these from happening unnecessarily. There can also be safety concerns of more deer = more accidents, and too many deer can be devastating to crops

Hunting is one of the best things going for conservation! First of all those of us who enjoy hunting have incentive to care for the land that allows us to pursue one of our favorite activities. Most hunters are out doing what we can to maintain a healthy herd through various methods such as land conservation and protecting or creating habitat, protecting natural food sources and sometimes creating our own food sources. Also the funds raised by hunting license sales, as well as a small federal tax on equipment go towards habitat conservation. We want healthy populations in order to maintain or hopefully improve our hunting. Contrary to what many people who have never been exposed to hunting believe, we actually care about the animals, and most likely do more for their good than all the other groups that claim to help the animals do combined.

Hunting helps the economy more than most people realize. You have the obvious expenditures such as rifle, ammo, binoculars, orange, etc. But a lot of people travel to hunt so it brings in money to gas stations, restaurants, motels, etc. If bait is used it helps local farmers and retailers, and by keeping populations in check it also as mentioned before helps minimize unnecessary traffic accidents and crop damage.

Hunting is also good for yourself in the fact that it gets you outdoors experiencing and enjoying all the beauty and wonders that nature can offer. Some of the most enjoyable hunting experiences have involved just watching what was going on around me. It's also great just being able to get out and have a little solitude or camaraderie depending on the type of hunting I'm doing. It also helps put in perspective where food comes from, and wild game tends to be very lean, low cholesterol and tasty!

If you're on the fence about hunting, it might be a great idea to see if someone who goes hunting would let you tag along a time or two and see what it's all about. Most hunters will be more than happy to introduce a newcomer to the sport
Go 4 it and don't forget%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;A hunter you can tell,by their stinky
Absolutely. Venison tastes great and deer populations need to be controlled humanely to prevent vehicle/deer accidents and help other aspects of game management like starvation and spread of disease.
I think so. you get something healthy to eat, help out with population control, and probably carrying on a tradition. besides at least one of your ancestors hunted.

I would suggest you take a Hunter/Trapper education class and tag along with somebody during hunting season this year and see how you like it.
hunting is good, its one way to get good meat be it from deer, birds, or rabbit, and it also helps to control the population a little
Although I can't bring myself to shoot anything I think as long as you eat what you shoot and don't get out there and kill for fun. And as long as you follow the rules and regulations then go for it, If you can :o) Deer are so much prettier, Alive!
Katelyn I think it comes down to how you were raised, for me it was a matter of coarse that I would hunt and help our family. Saying this though I have learned a great deal about hunting . It is not so much that I hunt, it is more that I hunt to to be part of the environment around me. In many parts of my country { Canada} if we did not hunt ,many animals and game birds such as geese would over run their environments. Also when you come down to the basics wild game is very good for you ,very little fat and lots of protein.But most of all it comes down to just being out in the bush and seeing things just as they are.I can't describe to you just what that have to go out your self and just sit in the bush for a day ,then maybe you might start yo understand what I am saying!!!1
yes go hunting deer is tastey and hunting is great fun
Sure, youre helping the herd by thinning it out and the ones that are left have more food for the winter. Its absolutly natural.
Its all up to you. I believe that its right but i was raised that way. If your not sure of it because of religion then assuming that your christian (and if your not then you don't have to pay attention to this) then it says in the bible ';I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be food for you. And to the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food. And it was so'; (Genesis 1:29-30). Meaning that the animals we hunt were put on this planet for a reason, to hunt and eat.
The question is not necessarily is it right or not. The question is why do we hunt? We hunt to survive. Basic primal instincts are to survive. Hunting is a way of survival. Yes we can eat many of things, but meat is rich in protein. Protein provides energy to which we can repeat daily task. So whether or not hunting is right it is the decision of life and death that we must make.

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