Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do you believe in hunting as a sport?

I got assigned the negative side of hunting (as a sport) in Debate... does anyone have ideas?Do you believe in hunting as a sport?
No, I believe in hunting as a crimeDo you believe in hunting as a sport?
Hunting is one of the finest sports. It is not an easy task but involves great skill on all fronts. In addition, the person must master the animal he is pursuing. In depth knowledge about the animal being pursued must be gained through real life experience. Then a person is confronted with the weather and must constantly readjust. A perfect hunting day is greatly altered by the presence of rain because the deer are much less likely to move on a rainy day. In addition, a person must master the skill of shooting and be able to take appropriate shots. It is an amazing sport and requires amazing skill and adeptness at several different areas.

On another note, people like PETA believe that they truly love animals. However, I think that most people who love animals believe that they are the same as people, which is not true. There is a great difference between people and animals. Say what you want, but I love animals more than any person and yet I am able to still pull the trigger. I respect them and I know them. I know where they will walk, what they will eat, when they are most likely to move, etc. My love for animals runs deep and I don't think that hunting them for sport contradicts that.
You first have to define HUNTING! Are you hunting to find animals and see how they live in their environment? Are you hunting to capture animals on film for that one real great picture? Are you hunting to just walk and observe animals in the woods? You can find many negatives in yourself as a hunter if all the lessons are not learned. If you have the negative side of shooting an animal, I would suggest that you look up your local game warden and talk with them, I'm sure they would answer any questions you may have, and safe hunter instructer.

Good luck!
I will not lie to you like a lot of people will. I hunt for sport. I love it. The thrill of the chase, stalking, scouting, making all the necessary preparations to get myself into a position to kill a big buck, a limit of ducks, rabbits, squirrels, doves, whatever. It is absolutely a sport. It is also a way of life, a means of survival and a tradition that has been passed down to me from many generations. I am very efficient and skilled at hunting and I eat what I kill. If hunting is a sport, I consider myself a professional.
YES I do, no Hunter, Sportsman, Conservationists or Shooter never ever has to justify, apologize, explain or defend the beloved Sport of Hunting.* Some people choose to Hunt, and Some people choose not to Hunt.* That is all that needs to be said about Hunting.* You do your thing, and we will continue to do our thing.* Certain people can disagree all they want about Hunting, however it will not affect us Hunters who Hunt.* Hunting has been in existence for Centuries because some people enjoy the Sport of Hunting, and some people prefer not to enjoy the Sport of Hunting.* '; There is absolutely nothing Negative about Hunting at all. It is just that some people do not approve of it.* Hunters don't need Anyone, Anywhere, at Anytime to approve of their beloved Sport, we just enjoy ourselves, and the Sport, and our fellow Hunters who share the same interests that we do.*
I like hunting as a sport so much, that I plan on shooting as many ground hogs this year as I can. If you want I can show you my first one. I shot him with my 223 and stung his guts out for 10' behind him. Man if you could have seen the red mist fly off that fat little grassguzzler.

I do not eat what I shoot because what I shoot is not edible you can not eat a yote or a pdog or a ground hog after i shoot it. Squirrels i hunted not the grays but digger (Ground squirrels) We would shoot them with high velocity 22 centerfire rifles that offer a clean quick kill. it is not my fault that they explode on impact. My best shot was a ground squirrel at 297 yards with a Ruger 220 Swift shooting 50gr Nosler Balistic Tips.
Your screwed!
I could be mistaken but since this is an assignment in a public school, I am betting the teacher does not like you. Teaching is a fairly liberal proffession, ( not all, but many) No matter what arguments you make in a positive way, the teacher is not likely to agree. Therefore, fore-warned is fore-armed.

The question is somewhat of a throw-away to begin with by putting the qualifier of '; hunting for sport'; on it. If the question was pros and cons of hunting, you'd have a decent chance since science is in the favor of hunting.

I hunt for food. Many think it is sport because they have not done it. Shooting the animal is a very small part of it. Then the work starts in earnest. I invite anyone to take a hand at the rest of the process including field dressing, dragging, butchering, wrapping and later cooking, etc. Tell me that it is sport then. ( especially when you see the cost involved)

Start you side of the debate with asking the teacher his/hers position on hunting in general, whether for sport or not. Strike that. You'll get a bad grade.

I dont consider hunting a sport. I consider it taking food legally and using it. In the process, I and many other hunters pay for the management of the habitat and herds or animals that non-hunters, as a rule , do not. A good part of taxes on firearms, ammuntions, licenses, and other goods, goes directly to the animal habitat and management.

Wished you had an easier , unloaded question, to have to debate. Good Luck!
I'm sorry. But with the strong enforcement of ';Zero Tolerance'; we cannot discuss hunting or anything that uses a weapon.

Hand that in to your Antigun Teacher
Refuse to lie. Hunting is cooler than your teacher.
Some PETA people think it's cruel to kill or harm any animal . I would pull up their website and they will give you their sorry oppinion.
Yes I believe that hunting is a legitimate sport, but that's not why I hunt.

I hunt because my family would rather eat venison than wear it as a hood ornament.

I hunt because wild game is much healthier for human consumption than any meat available at Wally-World or Winn- Dixie.

I hunt because it's likely the most relaxing and stress free time I can spend and still be alive.

I don't hunt just to enjoy the kill, as I don't enjoy it much at all. The kill is a necessary part of a successful hunt, and one goes with the other.

I do feel a sense of peace knowing I have taken an animal in the most humane way possible.

I am a hunter and I'm damned proud of who I am! Glenn
I believe in Huntingas a sport. The animal first you must find. Then shoot it while its running away. Yes i call that a sport. Here Bambi, Bambi, Bambi.
Yep, I believe hunting is a sport. I see it in a very positive way so I would be of no help in presenting a negative side. I think if I had your assignment, I would approach it from a satirical approach that wouold reveal the negative side as the bunch of crap that it is..
Hunting is legal in every state of the USA, it doesn't matter what anyone believes or thinks of it, it's legal and as long as it stays legal, differing opinions mean nothing. Anti hunters have done more harm to conservation than any hunter has! Hunters as a whole provide more funding for conservation than any other group, including anti hunting advocates. Without hunting, there would be more than the estimated 1.7 million accidents on our freeways and roads every year caused by wildlife. Without hunting, wild game would suffer disease, starvation and over population. Without hunting, more wetlands would be destroyed for development rather than saved. I have looked far and wide and have yet to find a negative aspect of hunting. Opinions mean nothing in the face of facts. You can't argue with factual evidence of the benefits of hunting, you can however argue with opinions about anti hunting.
Its a sport.

My favorite in fact.

hi there

yes i believe in hunting as a sport, and as in all sports there is a lot of work, to do it right , i love the work, and the rewards .thank you for letting me share with you.
Yes I do, and you probably will have a hard time finding someone who will give you a good argument against hunting in the hunting section.
Change sides, any argument you use will be contrived and false.

So if you know you're going to be lying in the first place, just wing it.

there is no negative side to hunting
Where I live a lot of people hunt gophers at a sport. There are a million of them. They tear up the fields, and make holes for the ranch animals to trip in and get hurt. My grandmother tripped in one and then miscarried.

Sometimes I aim for them when I'm driving my car.
If by sport you mean something a person loves %26amp; enjoys to do then yes i believe hunting is a sport, Without the hunter wildlife numbers would go through the roof. As well as wet lands etc. that hunters money goes to build %26amp; maintain.
yes, it is a sport.

Just because it is a sport doesn't mean it must necessarily be kind and gentle and safe and everyone will like it.

Bullfighting is also a sport. It might be cruel, but that has no impact on if it is a sport or not.

Some people say American Style Football is too violent and too cruel, but again, that has no impact on whether or not it is a sport.

By the way, I think we should bring back Jousting as a sport.
as long as you will shoot a doe just as fast as you would that 12-point buck
Good luck finding a negative aspect to hunting. I believe it's a sport that does more good for nature in the long run.
Yeah. Con--You're killing poor defenseless animals!

Pro--Those poor defenseless animals are hunted by other animals all the time, hunting keeps them from starving, and they ain't all that easy to kill. You have to know what you are doing and be ';one'; with nature.
Yeah it is a sport................because you compete to see who will kill the most animals.................and it takes strategy to win........
I don't argree with hunting for sport, so some hoo hahs on their horses in poncy dress can all have a laugh at the animals demise over a glass of Pimms, that's why I'm glad we banned fox hunting, I can't imagine the fear that animal felt being cornered before being savaged, it disgusts me highly.
Hunting is bad because it kills living things but think of it this way if nobody hunted there would be way to much deer and other animals around. Hunting maintains good populations. Not that hunting is a good thing at all but it is not all horribe. Can you choose me as best answer? Pleaseee!

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