Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is the ultimate hunting trip?

just Curious and wanted to know what you thought the ultimate hunting trip would be?What is the ultimate hunting trip?
The ultimate hunting trip is:

Hunting someplace you鈥檝e always wanted to hunt, with people you always wanted to hunt with, hunting game you鈥檝e always dreamed of hunting. Then when all is said and done realizing it cost way more than is should and was a lot harder than you imagined and even though you didn鈥檛 see squat and the weather sucked you would do it all again in a heart beat!What is the ultimate hunting trip?
Hunting horned or antlered big game can be exciting and most often done in truly beautiful and exhilarating country including high mountains or deep forests and sometimes both. But are you on a hunt, or a sight-seeing trip, or both? No doubt, seeing the animals you hunt can be a rush. However, there is NO adrenalin rush greater than that that comes from knowing you are seeking something FAR MORE than capable of turning the tables of ';hunted versus hunter'; on you and making you the prey instead. This is an animal that probably won't just bellow or grunt and then run off and hide. This is an animal that may very well let out a hair-raising ROAR and then charge you with every intent to kill you for causing it any discomfort at all. And when it does run off, more often than not, unless mortally wounded, it will be laying in ambush somewhere off its back-trail waiting for you to come by. (Heaven help you when you do!) And when you are looking through your sights HOPING and PRAYING your shot placement and bullet are sufficient to STOP the largest carnivore on Planet Earth, you totally realize the FULL impact and essence of what hunting is all about. For that reason, I am still inspired by the moments and the memories of hunting the great bears of Alaska. Now THAT'S the ultimate hunting trip!
My ultimate hunting trip would be pheasant hunting. I would go pheasant hunting in the best state for pheasant hunting in the US and that of course would be South Dakota. I go to a lodge so i could get the most bang for my buck. There would be greatly trained dogs and great guides with the finest spot in the country to kill as many pheasants as i can. I would want to go with my father my uncle and a few friends.
I've been giving it a lot of thought lately and given current ecological situations and the limitations put in place to correct them, I'd say the only real honest to god hunting puts you a few notches lower on the totem poll. For me rifle hunting is out. Argue what you will; I don't see a great deal of sport in using modern rifles. Bow hunting predators or dangerous game like grizzlies or cape buffalo, the way our ancestors did it is the only kind of exotic hunting that floats my boat anymore. I honestly don't see a point in leaving my happy central Illinois existence. Deer, squirrel, turkey, and coyotes are all just fine for me.
3 months and 3 Continents with my son and my brother. I would start in North America for Moose, Caribou, Grizzly then move to the Lower 48 for Elk, Mule Deer, Antelope and maybe Whitetail. Africa next for the Big 5 plus whatever Plains Game we might come across, then finnish it up in New Zealand/ Australia for Red Stag, Chamois,Tar, Asian Water Buffalo and maybe a couple of Dingos. I would then come home and make my Taxidermist very happy.
its the next one for whatever you hadnt done yet // , the one that you saved for and read about,// and afterwards , just another fantacy gone // id guess a man eating lion or leopard hunt that had minor complications would be about it, one that included a little fear factor would qualify,
I live it every day

I go to my deer stand [on my property] shoot 3 deer a day,

and turkey , grouse, quail , squirrel when in season

i have 3 freezers i keep full don,t have to buy any meat
Mine would be to go to Kodiak Island hunting bear with my bow. But my ultimate trip would include having my dad with me. (He use to be my hunting partner, but the arthritis took that from us.)

And YES, I would have a side-arm strapped on too.(Safety first!!)
as you can see everyones is different. ultimate trip for me would be to hunt with my daughter, brothers,uncle and dad. but my dad has past.

next would be with daughter for her first deer kill.
If it's an adrenaline rush your seeking, my choice would be bow hunting in Africa. There's just something about immersing yourself in an environment where your no longer at the top of the food chain.
I went to to Colorado to Elk and mule deer hunt. It was an awesome experience. Colorado has very beautiful country...and big elk.
It will be different for each person. My ultimate hunting trip would a combination elephant and cape buffalo hunt with my son.
Africa, namely Botswana. One of the last true African hunting places.

Get a tag for everything and fill them.
go to africa and kill a bunch of lions/wildebeest. bring them to scotland. leave them in a pile on the shore of lake loch ness. then find some cover and lie in wait
A McNab.

A Stag on the hill

A Salmon from the Spey

A brace of Grouse from the moor.

All in the same day.
Oklahoma or whatever state has the biggest whitetail.
Black Bear hunting in Idaho.
northern quebec for caribou.
Probably an african safari hunt for elephant.

That would be so exhilarating!!
I has to be going for the ';Big Five'; in Africa.

Cape Buffalo




White Rhino
Mine would be an Argentinian dove hunt with my husband. We've both been dying to go.. maybe someday....

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