Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Do u think sport hunting should be outlawed?

i am doing a school report and i need some answers.Do u think sport hunting should be outlawed?
Jeffie,the term sport hunting isn't used much anymore. There was a time when shooting animals for sport was an accepted practice. Now all states have some type of wildlife management program; either through licensing, limits, or laws against wasting game. In Texas it is against the law to shoot a deer and let the meat waste, if a trophy hunter is out for the cape and rack he'll donate the meat.

I have made several trips to Africa to hunt, mainly these are trophy hunts. The animals that I harvest are given to the local villages or to the PH's guides for their families. And here in Texas I hunt two ranches for game management where we control the doe population. I'll take the does' I harvest to a local processor and donate the meat to charity.

As for your question about outlawing sport hunting, I think the few existing sport hunts still being done could be changed. Live pigeon shoots come to mind, in certain areas they are a nuisance, but to just shoot them for sport. I personally don't agree with this; I can have a challenging shoot using clay targets and a wobble thrower.

Just my thoughts on your question.Do u think sport hunting should be outlawed?
Good luck with your paper.

Hunting should not be outlawed for several reasons. It is a popular sport that many many people are involved in. This allows citizens of an overweight america to get out and exercise, as well as learn more about the nature on our earth. Hunting is also a good way to bond with a parent or child. Many people hunt for food too, especially with the financial crisis and people loosing jobs. Those who hunt responsibly should be able to hunt. Idiots that shoot across roads and hit houses shouldn't have their hunting rights. However, its unfair to punish millions of hunters nationwide for the actions a few irresponsible individuals by banning hunting. Hope you can use some of this.
What would give anyone the right to decide if someone is sport hunting or fishing and what would the definition look like. The guys on Saturday outdoor shows that make there money off of there hunting shows. No that is a job. Just like a boxers job is sport beating the sh!t out of each other or a race car driver wasting fuel and harming are environment. Or even the person driver that wast fuel to ride there motor cycle for sport or the person that drives anywhere to watch our participate in a sport like skiing or boating. Those are the sports I would like to see outlawed. It will save the environment which supports the animals that I sportingly hunt and eat.
No, it shouldn't be outlawed. I am not sure why it is called sport hunting unless that is opposed to subsistence hunting.Hunting can be a sport but the purpose is for food.

I hunt and use the food it provides for my family and some other relatives. Hunters pay millions of dollars in fees and taxes, licenses to hunt and take care of the game populations through dept. of natural resources. Most of the money comes from hunters. The average non-hunter pays nothing for his convictions while the hunter pays the freight for all.

If you hunt for meat and use the meat, there is nothing morally or ethically, or legally wrong with hunting. Without hunting and meat eating, humans would never had made it this far.That's just scientific fact. Even the Bible give us dominion over the animals of the earth.

It is easier to ask a person that doesn't support hunting, why they want it outlawed. They have no scientific, moral or ethical basis for not allowing hunting. The cost in animals death and human death from accidents would be astounding. As it is, most counties that have deer, have many more hit with vehicles than taken legally by hunters with licenses. Cost in millions of dollars is unreal and human life lost cant be figured in dollars.

So, no. Hunting should never be outlawed and actually should be supported by everyone in tax dollars. Not just hunters..
No. I'm surprised at the mix of responses here. But the answer is no.

I live in Alabama, we have the 2nd largest deer population in the country (2nd only to Texas - which is a MUCH larger land area) and do you know why? Hunters.

Hunters manage the land, they care for the deer in the off season, they make sure they have healthy food and water sources, and they harvest deer in the appropriate time of year. If hunters didn't regulate the population, it would explode and nature would do it for us. But instead of quick, humane ways like all responsible hunters know to practice, it would be by starvation and Blue Tongue. Not to mention getting hit by cars and bleeding to death or walking around with internal injuries and dying a painful death 2 weeks later.

The people who say hunting is cruel or inhumane or should be outlawed only THINK they have the animals' best interests at heart. They think these things out of ignorance. They don't understand that hunters are, in fact, herd managers and are being good stewards of the land.

do your research kid...hunters pay the tax tab for conservation in all states... and we spend money that creates other taxable revenues for retailers resturants and motels and other business.

If it was not for ';sport hunting'; most states would have zero managment programs and game would not be as abundant as it is today.
Some animals are killed for sport and that is the check-and-balance system at work. I don't know of anyone that eats coyote, prairie dog, crow, etc. It is a necessary evil. When whitetails, turkeys, etc are killed by a person and wasted, it is truly unfortunate and they cannot by any means consider themselves hunters, but it will always be sadly.
If you mean leaving everything else to spoil where you killed it, then I do believe it is already illegal everywhere in North America, it certain is in Canada. The law here states you may not allow any usable portion of a kill to spoil, and that you must do everything in your power to retrieve a kill once you have made it. Even if you won't use the meat yourself, food shares and such will gladly take it off your hands.
I would have no problem with outlawing hunting for sport, it serves no purpose. It is just for pleasure. The only catch is other things would have to be outlawed, like homosexuality, it served no purpose. It is just for pleasure.

Nobody eats, no babies get made. Get it?
Not unless you like seeing people get killed by hitting deer on the highway. It's controlled, they know the deer population and allow X amount of tags for doe and for bucks each year. Plus it provides food, and good food at that.

It keeps the deer population down which keeps people at least a little safer on the roads.
No, when people hunt they never let the body go to waste. I love eating deer... and bear isn't all that bad. If people didn't hunt... they animals would always run out in front of your car and cause accidents.

I have hit 4 deer. Not a good thing.

In different counties around the state of MD... people have limits. In Baltimore Co. the limit is 25 deer per season... thats a lot and there are still a lot of deer out there. As long as the meat doesn't just go to waste... I am okay with it.
why would be my answer // ive always enjoyied all bs that goes with it // from getting place to getting ready spending time to set up //to company i keep /seeing excitement and disappointments //encurred from shooting doves to gars an most other things // leaving some alone an taking others //,,i could care less about ball games movies tv // like arms shooting an fishing //dont need the meat just enjoy the whole game // and preference is picture takin and growin feed lots// generly with bow // on sport shootin ill shoot pidgeons till black an blue.and dont shoot clay birds
no, it shouldn't be.

it's definitely not for me, but it does a lot of good.

it helps to keep animal populations under control.

overpopulation would be a huge problem if it were

outlawed, and there would be more animals starving

to death due to a lack of food.
Since we have removed the predators that normally control the

deer population and would have to pay professional hunters to

do it otherwise, no.

Not unless it is projected as part of Obama's ';economic stimulus

Trophy hunting isn't normally allowed anyhow. Willfull wasting of game animals is a crime.

Just because someone has a deer mount on their wall doesn't mean the rest of the meat went to waste, you do understand this simple precept don't you?
define ';sport hunting';? if you mean trophy hunting then yes. if you mean hunting and you eat what you kill then no! varmint control? no because we humans have driven out or killed the natural predators.

clarify question for best answer.
all the money from taxes and license purchases, tags, etc by hunters is used for wild life conservation so it does a lot more good than harm
NOPE. God gave us dominion over the animals. obviosly we should treat the animals with care and respect. i think the pa game commission is doin a good job of this
depends on what there huntingl in most cases it is to control the population.
i think killing game in Africa should be a crime,why would you kill an elephant,is that one of the big 7,
No, it should be mandatory. I've hit 2 deer in the last couple years.. kill them all!!
well i wouldn't shot something for no reason but hell isn't that the american way
yes it should. USA is the only country the go hunting with a full stomach. just for the killing , is not right.

other country's do it because they have to bring food to their tables.

they do it because they need to survive.
since when was killing things for fun ever ';sport';?
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