Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is it okay to feed babies possum that you got hunting? If you mince it?

You should probably grind it up and put it in the baby's bottle. Just mix it with the formula.Is it okay to feed babies possum that you got hunting? If you mince it?
My gut feeling would be no, but it depends on the age of the baby. However, my main concern would be possible diseases carried by wild animals - babies' immune systems just aren't that well developed and I'm not sure I'd take the risk.Is it okay to feed babies possum that you got hunting? If you mince it?
No!....possum meat can contain bacteria and parasites and isn't generally considered good to eat.

Can you eat it....yes

Do some people eat possum...defiantly

Would you feed it to a baby....Never you troll.
Roadkill probably tastes better, try that....
its a baby...feed him milk and minced fruits!!
grow up

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