Allan, I've very lucky and very fortunate to have hunted all over the world. I have so many memories of hunts, some great times, some scary times, some hunts where I look back and think '; well that was a dumb thing to do';. I guess as an all time best experience would be a family hunt I took in 2000 in southwest Texas. My dad, son, two brothers, and cousin all had one of those three day hunts when everything just clicked. Everyone took at least two deer, my son got his first 10 point, and my dad had his first true wall hanger. It was a hunting experience that I'll always treasure. Cold nights, warm fire, great company, and family bonds that continue to grow.
The other part to this trip happened on the way out, we stopped for gas in a little town of Iraan Texas. I had loaded 13 deer in the back of my pickup to drop all of them off at a processor close to where we all lived at the time. I started to pump some gas and noticed the local sheriffs patrol car, by the time I was done getting gas, and some coffee; I had an attentive group of three deputies, the local trooper, and the game warden. Luckily I had everyone sign a transport letter and put down their license number before taking off from camp. The game warden left me his business card and said if I got stopped again to have the next guy call him. The look on his face was priceless.What was your best hunting experience? WILL GIVE BEST ANSWER?
Well we were calling in a huge turkey for four hours when we can finally see him. This was on youth day so only i could shoot, my dads friend was 15 yards in front of my the turkey was 45 yards away from me and just out of range and i didnt want to risk the shot. If it wasnt youth day and my dads friend had a gun he could have easily killed the turkey but i couldnt. Even though i didnt get the shot or even take it it was still my greatest hunting experience.
I took my then 12 year old deer hunting for the first time. We sat in a blind because knowing him, he'd fidget around, cough, talk, etc. regardless of how many times he was instructed not too. Anyway, he got pretty excited when a doe and two fawns came in very close to our blind. The doe hung back a bit, but the fawns were very close. I told him to wait for the doe and try not to hyperventilate. One of the fawns closest to us, turned her back to us and FARTED. I had never seen or heard a deer fart before, and had to bury my face in the back of my boy's jacket to quiet the laughter. Eventually, he got a shot at the doe and was quite proud of his first deer. Overall, that would have to be the best experience.
This was my first hunt ever. It was the first weekend of bow season in NW Missouri, so it was muggy and the mosquito bites were piling up. I was hunting whitetail from a stand at the edge of a field, and I saw nothing on Saturday. Sunday morning, a doe walked into the clearing and passed about 7 yards from my stand. I was shaking fiercely! I was trembling so hard with excitement that I could barely contain my breathing and draw. I loosed my arrow as it passed broadside...and was shaking so badly that I thought I may have just missed a point blank shot. I leaned over the stand and watched it run off into the woods and could see my fletchings bobbing with the arrow stuck firmly into her left side. I watched until I lost sight of her which happened at a surprisingly short distance, because her coat blended so well with the trees. Then I heard a sound to my right. Another doe was walking the same course that the first had! She was already passing my stand! I tried to keep my composure and creep to the opposite corner of my stand for another arrow. As I slowly retrieved an arrow, nocked it, and drew, she ambled along. By the time I was ready to shoot, she was 40 yards away. I didn't feel comfortable with the shot, especially since I was worrying that I had not killed the first doe but maybe wounded it. I let the second one walk. I called my wife (who taught me how to hunt) and we were both excited. After waiting 20 minutes, we went to look and found the doe 50 yards from my stand. It was a lousy shot to the gut, but she went down quickly enough anyway. We cleaned her, butchered the next day, and we had backstrap fillets that had never been frozen that night. To this day, that is the best venison I have ever first kill. Of course that story always ends thinking about the second one that got away. Now I always nock another arrow after I shoot.
first hunt...marlin 35 cal...walked into woods...sat for an hour...was going to leave to eat ...shoelace untied...sat on stump...deer ran up and turned away...10 yards away from nervous...shot and hit him in neck...he just looked around... shot again,missed,shot again,missed,,,,he started walking away...gut shot him.oops....i called my buddy louis...';Louie,,,i got him,what do i do now';...louie 'i don't know,,my brother always gutted them for me';...learned on the pounds 4 point...
An Insurgent at 500M with an M4 Carbine. 1 Shot 1 Kill. Almost out of effective range.
Best shot I ever have heard of - 1.75 Miles with a Garrett Sniper rifle. Shot by a Canadian Sniper in Mosul, Iraq.
It's not mine personally, but I sure wish I was along with these guys on their archery hunting trip...鈥?/a>
Scouting for pigs on a mtn bike. Fun!
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