Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is a Range Finder a good tool to have when hunting game as far out as 500 yards with a High-Powered Rifle?

I can pick a good range finder up for a hundred bucks, and im just wanting to know how good they are to have. thanksIs a Range Finder a good tool to have when hunting game as far out as 500 yards with a High-Powered Rifle?
Yes it is unless you have a mildot or range finder scope. I find it essential in hunting game at 350yds and beyond.Is a Range Finder a good tool to have when hunting game as far out as 500 yards with a High-Powered Rifle?
A good rage finder is a valuable tool to have. Especially so on those longer shots. Distance is deceptive, folds in the land, grass, shrubs etc all help disguise true range. It takes a person with a LOT of daily experience judging distances to be even close to accurate. While a few yards off at ranges under 150 yards is not as critical, being a few yards off at 350+ almost ensures a wounded animal or a clean miss. My opinion? buy it and use it!

shoot safe
These are all good answers. But depending on where you hunt they are invaluable. I have in my scopes auto range almost automatic. As an example ..On my Leupold when the cross hairs go from thick to thin to the point where they actually cross will measure about 18'; at 100 yds. That is about the distance between the chest an withers of a deer. When I adjust the cross hairs to place them on these two points I can look at the top of my scope and read the yardage ring. Not a fast arrangement but it works well and is less to carry.

On the other hand there are a few very fine scopes out there that incorporate it all in one..with a Bullet Drop Compensator. My old Redfield low pro accu track has a scale (to 600 yds) for range finding and the BDC on the top turrent..marked off in yds.

There is a more modern one out there but for the life of me I can't remember the name..very expensive though.
learning to chill out (patience) read the wind and do some pre season scouting is worth a dozen rangefinders.

Most game animals can be shot at distances under 100 yards if you simply learn to ';hunt';.
No. It's very useful to 350 yards. Anything past that ain't hunting.

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