Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How do you deal with the constant rejection that accompanies job hunting?

Don't look at it as rejection. Look at job hunting as a science or even a numbers game. Keeping this type of perspective will help you build a better job search program. It is different for everyone. Finding jobs has ALWAYS been tough. Sometimes people who you hear about who have stayed in their jobs for 20 or 30+ years are miserable. One of the big reasons they stayed is because they were scared of the rejection.

I suggest to my clients when your mind starts to hit you with negative thoughts, you should say positive ones. Train your brain!

Good luck.


Director of Career Management Services eCareerCenter.comHow do you deal with the constant rejection that accompanies job hunting?
You be realistic! You keep in mind that times are hard and any job you apply for will also have had a large number of other applicants. The company will try to find someone from amongst the applicants that can walk into the job and do it with a minimum of training and if you are not successful it is not in any way demeaning you, it just means that some other applicant more closely fitted their candidate profile than you did.

Many of the people who are out of work for a long time are that way because they give up too soon. As you will often hear, job hunting is often like a bus. You wait and wait for one then 2 or 3 come along at once. This happened to me 6 years back when i was job hunting and after a few unsuccessful weeks i suddenly got 3 offers in 2 days, one of which i accepted and i am still doing that job.How do you deal with the constant rejection that accompanies job hunting?
I feel for you. We have all been there at some point.

I try to keep the perspective that every resume I send and every interview I have gets me one step closer to getting a job. I might have 100 interviews before I get hired. After 99, things may look pretty dark, but I needed that interview to get to the hundredth where I got the job. When you finally do get hired, it will be easier to look back with some perspective and see how each step got you closer to landing the job. Hang in there.

Also, do your best to maintain your relationships with friends and family. And if you are a believer, use this as an opportunity to get closer to God. He will help you through this.

Good luck.
I'm 43 and just got a new job in the HSE.

1st Be Positive. - ';you didnt get that job because you were not right for it.'; Rubbish - Another way to look at this is that it wasn't right for u.

2nd - Be truthful with your CV and how you describe your skills and experiences. If you are a young person write your CV in terms that shows your enthusiasm and ability to pick things up quickly. If you are an older person then play on your experience.

3rd. This is very important - if you have been invited for an interview it means this :


Presumeably they have seen your CV and your qualifications. This really means that the interview is a ';Beauty Contest';. by that I don't mean how attractive you are in physical terms - it means how attractive are you as a candidate ?

To make yourself attractive : (In recruitment terms)

Research the Company. Find out the name of the boss. Current projects. etc etc Appear interested.

Be enthusiastic.

Relax - be yourself.

I've just been throught this - 4500 applicants, 364 interviewed for 15 Positions.

I got 1 - and I have NO particular experience in this field !!!!!

Don't give up. Your dream job is out there - it's not going to be handed on a plate to you - you have to work for it. ..........

Good Luck.
Do not take it personally. You must learn from each interview. Ask the interviewer if there was anything in particular about the process that may have turned them off. Then use this as a learning experience for the next time. You may want to keep a journal detailing your experiences in order to remember them.
Everyone has been rejected. I just think positively. I say to myself that the company that rejected me that they are missing out a fantastic worker. I know that I am hardworking and that for some reason the company didn't see that and decided to hire someone else then it is their mistake. I continue moving forward and not look back.Someday someone will hire me!
Allow yourself some time once a week to get really stroppy about it, the rest of the time you have to keep your chin up and try to be busy.

I'm currently going through the same thing - thurs eve's are my time for it, i either get hammered, scream to loud music or have a go on my punch bag. It just gets it out of my system.
Slap in writs for race, sex,age,sexual orientation discrimination.
it hard isnt it , and will continue i fer , just keep possitive within your self
just keep head up high and know that il get one

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