Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How did the ban on hunting with dogs(fox hunting) effect the economy?

what jobs were lost?

how many?How did the ban on hunting with dogs(fox hunting) effect the economy?
The stable hands

The people that breed the fox

The guy at the gas station - less fuel being sold to the hunters

The farrier, his wife at the fox hunting clothing store

Its a cascading effect, you outlaw an activity and everyone in a community is effected.

If the community only sees a little bit of it income from the activity then its not that bad

but is the majority of the communities income comes from the activity then lots of jobs are lost


Super61 - presumed here in the US, my neighbor is a breeder of foxes and hounds for fox hunting

corrected spellingHow did the ban on hunting with dogs(fox hunting) effect the economy?
I think that you mean 'affect,' but never mind!

If hunting enthusiasts continue with drag hunting instead of going, literally, for 'the kill,' no jobs need be lost at all. But, some of them say, 'it's not the same.' Of course it's not the same. I know it and they know it, because there is no 'kill.'

We British led the way in banning the slave trade and in banning slavery in the Empire, we led the way in banning bear baiting and cock-fighting, and we led the way in banning fox hunting and hare coursing. We must continue to make progress and not let our civilisation take a backward step.
Who cares? Miners lost their jobs, railwaymen lost their jobs, millions of people have lost their jobs so what makes the hunting mob special? Blimey I'd rather starve than make my crust by helping murdering b****** to kill defenceless animals in cold blood. If they weren't so pig headed none of them need lose their jobs, they only have to stay within the law and they can carry on playing their stupid games as long as they wish, sadly this doesn't satisfy their blood lust. I won't be losing any kip over them in the dole queue.
The economy isn't affected as we can drag hunt. Foxes have never been classified as vermin. Numbers didn't increase with the BSB ban on hunting as Foxes are self regulating. the repeal wont go through as the Torys have a hidden agenda and will drop the CA as soon as they get in. See link to show foxes bred by the hunt. You cant have it both ways.
The guy who breeds and sells and trains the horses and dogs

The farmer/landowner who leased the hunting ground

The farrier who shoes the horses... the family that boards the horses... the guy who sells the dog food... the dock worker and UPS guy who delivered those fancy English boots...


Trickle down is trickle down

Loss of fox hunting is not as big a deal as loosing the local automobile plant,,, but a dollar not spent is a dollar not earned by someone.鈥?/a>

Edit - Second amendment defender, apart from your spelling of bread(sic) ';BREED'; who in the UK breeds foxes for hunting? The fox is vermin and is treated accordingly. Its not bred for sport. Its accusations like that that got the sport banned in the first place.

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