Friday, May 14, 2010

How might hunting deer be beneficial?

there is food in my freezer.How might hunting deer be beneficial?
there is several reasons that people hunt deer...

1. for the venison - it tastes so good! best peperettes EVER! tho the hamburgers are better if you add a little pork because it tends to b quite dry...

2. controls disease - to put it simply the more deer there are the easer and faster the diseases can spread.

3. controls population - if there is too many deer they eat all plant life nearby therefore starving smaller animals of their food, and indangering rare plants, also they will eventually venture into farmers fields and eat the crops, they do this now but there is not enough of them doing it that it effects the corps any. also when animals get overpopulated they venture out f their habitat and they will venture onto the roads more and there will be more accidents involving deer (which can be very bad accidents deer can do a lot of damage to a car) and eventually the deer may even venture into town.

4. thrill of the hunt - ok now that may sound cruel to some but you do get quite the rush when hunting deer.

there are laws protecting deer you have to have a tag in order to shoot one and there is only certian times of the year you can hunt and 2 different seasone bow and shotgun. this helps make sure that too many deer dont get killed per season.

it may be different depending on where you are but anyone with over 50 acres of land gets a tag if they decide to buy one, anyone from town that wants to hunt must put their name into a draw and gets whatever is left that the land owners dont get first. there is also certian areas that you can and cant shoot deer close to houses the road or near any conservation areas and parks.How might hunting deer be beneficial?
Deer hunting can be beneficial to both the animals and humans. At one time there were enough predators like wolves, coyotes to keep the deer population down to a level where the land could sustain them. With development, fewer forests,etc deer are now abundant and have become a nuisance to orchards, farms,. In addition, more are feeding on less land. Deer are not as healthy as they were so hunting will reduce the population to give more feed to the survivors.
Betty, so long as deer aren't hunted indiscriminately (like during the buffalo hide era where American Bison nearly became extinct due to over hunting for hides) the benefits are there.

First, Venison is quite good and healthier than store bought beef that often is tainted with drugs and growth hormones.

Second, it keeps the deer herds from becoming over-populated which leads to starvation and disease among the deer.

Deer are prolific and can over populate an area to the extent that when winter arrives there won't be enough food for all of them and the death rate will be higher than if they had been hunted. Secondly, when the deer population gets too high, they become rather damaging to farmer's crops. They also become a traffic hazard. Many accidents are caused by deer jumping in front of oncoming automobiles. The more deer the greater chance of hitting a deer with your car. Another benefit is that deer make good eats. Lastly, the excise taxes paid by hunters for gun purchases, ammo purchases, etc. go to pay for providing habitat for deer and other animals and to pay for the game wardens and biologists that protect these animals.
Biologically: Helps control disease, overpopulation, starvation, weak herds. Overpopulation of the animals is not just critical to deer. Deer eat the same vegetation as other browsing animals...this hurts the smaller vegetarian animals as they have a harder time finding food. With less food their numbers drop. With more deer predators increase causing other key species to drop even more. Finally, a lot of diseases in deer are transferable to other ungulates and wild animals. Overpopulation causes rapid spread of disease to all animals in the ecosystem that can be affected by that disease. It is really really really bad in an ecosystem as diverse as Northern Idaho where you have the only Mountain Caribou in the lower 48 states, moose, elk, sheep, mule deer among many other animal species that would be impacted very negatively with the increase in deer numbers if hunting was to cease. People claim it would eventually balance out, but we do not live in a time that it can happen that way anymore. With human encroachment into habitats the animals don't have the space, time and numbers it would require going through that HUGE shift in power that would be the most inhumane approach to a healthy ecology and an approach that has failed time and time again when it is enforced in other parts of the country. Research some areas in New England, including PA. Look at the Mt Lion population in CA and what it is doing there. The deaths of these animals under those conditions is far more brutal and disturbing than a bullet which is a quick and clean kill that DOESN'T just mean a dead animal. It means someone can feed their family for the year!

Economically: Saves billions of dollars a year in damages that deer would cause to homeowners, property owners and cars. Hunters contribute millions of dollars into conservation and into local economies in rural areas when thy hunt. They are essentially tourists in places that most people normally would not vacation too. It saves many families good amounts of money they would normally have to spend on meat. That and they get a very clean, healthy, low fat and organic form of meat that is very good. If you ever have eaten elk or moose meat it is difficult to go back to a cow.

Socially: Hunting teaches gun control, survival skills, discipline, team work, respect and love towards nature and confidence to younger generations. It brings families and friends back into tradition year after year. Hunting has made my family, friends and me all better and stronger people. If you have ever seen how it makes a 12 year old feel when he or she knows they have provided their family with a good amount of meat for the year through his or her hard work you will understand the importance of hunting to American culture and family health!
It helps with population that you arent hitting them with your car every two miles because there numbers are to puts meat on the table for families that might not be able to afford it on a regular basis...deer licese fees pay for wildlife managment and keeps some people working with the money that is funded with those fees...there are more but im bored of typing
Better than seeing them die on the road, and ruining peoples cars.

Man is still an animal regardless of opinion, and has hunted since the beginning of time. It is in mans nature, and is also part of the balance of nature. Implementing an overpopulation of wolves (as is happening in the West) to balance mans absence (Wilderness areas %26amp; parks) will be a disaster. Watch, and see how things are 10 years from now. Should be interesting.
I am an animal lover but here on Long Island, the deer population is out of control. Deer are starving to death. Hunters go in and do their thing so that they may spare them of this slow process. And instead of running out in front of cars (causing accidents) because they are close to the street searching for food, they are put out of their misery. I hate to think about it but...
If you live in an area where there is a deer population you know. Deer populations grow rapidly and when winter comes the deer would starve as there would not be enough food to go around. When food is low deer travel more and further to find a meal, this would lead to more deer/car collisions.
Deer suck. They eat all of our flowers. Actually, thats not true. They eat all of our prettiest flowers, and leave some of the other plants alone. Wonderful. Thanks deer. What would I do without you?

And then if I shoot them they taste good. Hopefully he tastes better to me than my flowers did to him.
Deer are very overpopulated in many areas, hunting them helps to keep them from becoming so overpopulated that they may hurt crops, or anything like that. It also helps prevent the spread of diseases.
its a little known fact, but deer kill more people every year in america than any other animal, there are too many on the roads, so that people swerve to avoid them, and get themselves killed
I grew up poor and for a while my family and I lived in a truck. My parents didn't have money to buy food so my father would hunt to provide for our family. We ate a lot of deer, hog, squirrel, and fish.
life and death situations... don't forget that deer are worth lots in china, as well as the simple fact that with out yearly deer hunter deer would over populate and eventually cause huge disturbances with the ecosystems and climates.
Well, it might keep me off YA on the weekends. And provide some tasty, high quality meat. And keep the deer population at a reasonable level.
Reduces the number of deer that will potentially die from starvation, from being hit by vehicles, provides lean drug free meat. Theres more but this should be sufficient.
Its delicious, and if you're digging for answers, it keeps the deer population under control. Just don't over-hunt.
in australia deer are introduced from overseas and compete with native animals for food supplies and they taste good
if they are not hunted a killed off they become over populated. Then they become a pest. They get in apple orchards and eat all the apples, wheat fields, ect
It would cut down the size of the herds and keep them (the deer) from starving to death.
we use the hide to make our drums and we use the antlers for knife handles and eat the meet at smokehouse dances and its a great meat to cook up at home.
Feed the family,use their hide for clothes or shoes.
tasty deer are easier to eat when they are dead. bullets work best.
Food for your family.
deer meat is quite tasty.
cuts down on disease.
It can't!

*~*proud vegetarian*~*
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